Sunday, 30 June 2013

Three paintings to travel to the other side of the world...

These paintings are off to a new home in Australia. A little bit of Bath, and a bigger bit of Lewes!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

An 80th birthday card image

Another little image for a birthday today, as I am between paintings. I am trying to decide on a London view. I want to try to go a bit bigger.. not sure where to choose at the moment!
In the meantime I have a house portrait to be going on with...

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Center Parcs Picnic

Finished my family portrait...of a picnic at Center Parcs. Hope the family like it!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Duncan Grant's flamingos

Duncan Grant dreamed of having flamingos on the pond at Charleston Farmhouse.
Here is a close up look at my Charleston Farmhouse painting which has gone on display today at Chalk Gallery, Lewes.
The butterfly in the foreground was inspired by Duncan's paintings in the local church.
Lytton Strachey reads in the background.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Family picnic drawn

Lots of legs and smiling faces!! the pen lines start to get a bit confusing at this stage, and I look forward to getting some colours on now!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

A plan for a family portrait - picnicking at Center Parcs

Here is a rough sketch for a new family portrait. There are likely to be changes, but it is good to get a plan down and make sure that I have remembered everyone!

A couple of Birthday pictures

In between the bigger paintings I will often get smaller commissions for personal birthday presents and cards.
Here are a couple from the last month, the birthday people with their special possessions!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Charleston House - Read books and pink flamingos

Here are the workings and the finished picture. This is my second painting worked up from my Charleston sketches. I have aimed to keep it to the same style, colouring etc as the previous painting of the back of the house.
Duncan Grant dreamed of having flamingos on the pond at Charleston. Hence the title (and the birds!)

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Charleston House, from the front...beginnings of a painting

I have now started working on the second image of Charleston from my sketches. I am trying to keep with the Charleston themed colours, warm oranges and ochres. I have added some characters in to the drawing, and I am now ready to get painting...